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Pavlice (pavlice) Pavlice (pavlice)

"after tokiko's death, joe took over naix and changed the hand sign to reflect his view of the game"

Hello reader.
At time of writing, Kay is currently being held by ABIS and is on her seventh Psync session of the night. Which means that it was up to me to make the gallery this week.
As you might remember, there are a few saucy ones there, but don't get lost in it.

Originally seen at The Handroid Edition (11th August 2023)

Meesk (meeskify) Meesk (meeskify)

"As AITSF’s number one fan and AINI’s number one hater, I felt compelled to do something quick to depict the current state of the streams. Hope everyone is enjoying the streams and knows that Amame is best girl."

Quick question, Meesk, you call yourself Nirvana Initiative's Number One Hater, but can I claim that I am actually the number one hater? Because I am.

"You may 'claim' sure! But i live in hate of this game every waking moment"

Every waking moment? So you finished it? I hate the game so much that I didn't. Curious.

"I'm no quitter"

Originally seen at There's Only 60 Minutes in Fanart (4th August 2023)

Sam (samandunintellectual) Sam (samandunintellectual)

"I started work on this before she just decided to let ryuki do a somnium on her just off screen 😔"

The expressions on this are so good. I love them, thank you for the art, Sam

I didn't actually finish this game, I was too checked out to be honest, so I fully expect her to magic herself back to life, do a dance number, no clip out of the world, and even though she's confusing to me, I'll still like her cos she's hot.

Originally seen at There's Only 60 Minutes in Fanart (4th August 2023)